Siri for iPhone 4 NO PROXY NEEDED!!!

Install Siri on iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G without Proxy! Yes you read it right, Today we’ve got great news from JBN for you. Finally you can install Siri on jailbroken iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G without a proxy .

How To install Siri on iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G without Proxy?

Step 1: Go to Cydia > Sources > Edit > Add and add the following repo :

Step 2: Tab on Search, then search for “Siriport” and install it and reboot your device.

Step 3: Reboot your device.

Step 4: Download this Certificate file From or here Direct link.
Note: If you can not download this Certificate on your device, download it from your computer, then email it to yourself, and open it on your iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G from your email.

Step 5: Install the Certificate on your iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G.

Step 6: Reboot your Device.

Step 7: Activate Siri and say “Hi Siri”.

Step 8: It may stuck with you at the first time, wait 1-4 minutes and try again. (Say “Hi Siri” again) until Siri is activated.

Here’s video shows you how to install Siri on iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G without Proxy

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6 Responses to Siri for iPhone 4 NO PROXY NEEDED!!!

  1. man ..”this is an iphone 4 as you can see by the line right there…” euh…the line is on 4s…shu beh hayda?


  2. kanaanmeister says:

    hahah you’re right 😛


  3. Rawan says:

    iPad 2 Siri…masadrak shu bit2illak?


  4. Charly says:

    euhhh joe would you really trust a .ru domain ? i mean is it safe to try it ?


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